MADShop: 336-751-7655 

Calendar of Events

Schedule is subject to change.

  • Friday after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) Shop CLOSED Please call to see if we might be open on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

  • Christmas/New Year: The Shop is CLOSED, the week of Christmas Eve through New Year's day. "Even" years we usually go out of town and the shop may be closed longer than one week. Dec 23-Jan 1st 2023 Closed



SHOP: Anything needed for Christmas MUST be in the shop by 12:30 Monday 12/18/2024 so I can fire it on Froday first thing in the morning. Everything will need to be picked up by 12:30 Friday 12/23/2024 since the shop will be closed until January 2nd, 2024

ELLIS PARK FIRINGS: Items will need to be LOADED in the KILNS & firing by 10:15am Wednesday 12/11/2024 and picked up by 11:30 Wednesday 12/18/2024

For more Information call 336-751-7655 
(Start talking after the message. I no longer answer the phone unless I know who is calling, too many sales people)
or e-mail